Thursday, August 23, 2007

Dedication of my blog : Madinah Al-Munawarrah....

There's no place on earth like the Madinah Al-Munawarrah, the city of our beloved Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa salam). I am dedicating my blog to this city, this amazing city.
The day we went to Madinah, we ended getting there almost 10 PM. Our driver was krrrrazy, he sideswept another car, and just honked and kept going, he drove 90mph in traffic, and my dad told him a phrase that basically means, "ur a smart/clever driver masha'Allah", and the driver replies, "baas hamdellah, only from Allah (swt)", subhanAllah, that's the way of the ppl of :)
The first night I tried to fall asleep, but as I lay in my bed I looked out the window and could see the minarets of the Haram, and I felt my heart fall to my stomach. For the first time I realized the reality of where I was, the city of the Rasool salla Allahu alayhi wa salaam, the city where so much happened, where warriors fought for my religion. I realized the Rasool salla Allahu alayhi wa salaam was resting right there inside the masjid I could see out my window from where I lay. The idea that in a few hrs I would be praying in Masjid An-Nabawi, his masjid, his home the place of soo much history, and going to offer my salaam to him (salla Allahu alayhi wa salaam), gave me this nervous excitement like butterflies in my stomach, and I couldnt sleep. That night I felt the strength and power of the mumin's love for the Rasool (salla Allahu alayhi wa salaam) over anyone and everything else in his/her life, after Allah (swt). SubhanAllah, its our struggle and devotion to follow his sunnah that are a true testimony of our love rather than empty words.
I felt so blessed that Allah (swt) allowed us the opportunity to be there and visit the Rawdah (the portion of Masjid An-Nabawi that is between the original mimbar of the Rasool (salla Allahu alayhi wa salaam) and what used to be his room where the graves of the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa salaam) and Abu Bakr and Omar (radi Allahu anhum) now lay. This portion of the masjid is called the Rawdah bc its said to become a meadow in Jannah (Paradise) insha'Allah, it's also called "riyad-ul-Jannah". Alhamdulillah for my mom, she knew when to go so we wouldnt get much of a crowd, and masha'Allah she's such an experienced trooper. It's an amaaaazing experience, I'd rather not write details of it bc I feel like its so personal, it's from the heart and I want to protect the sincerity of how I felt there, and keep it personal, but I will say every muslim should pray for the opportunity to go there and pray 2 raka'ah on the rawdah and offer salaam to the Rasool (salla Allahu alayhi wa salaam) in person. While we were in Makkah, after Maghrib a shaykh at the haraam used to give like a darse or lecture, one day he was talking about Madinah and he said, when you offer salaam to the Rasool (salla Allahu alayhi wa salaam) in his masjid in Madinah, his ruh (I think ruh is translated to soul, not positive), replies to your salaam back to you...subhanAllah what an honor! Honestly, it really is life changing masha'Allah.
I will say one thing about the Rawdah that I found so amazing, the beautiful scent coming from it, subhanAllah! You might imagine that with such a small area and such a large number of women squeezed in, there might be odors of sweat or whatever, but as soon I stepped into the Rawdah area, it was like an overwhelming aroama that I cant describe, like a sweet musk, coming from everywhere in that area!
In conclusion, there was nothing like the peacefulness and serenity of Madinah Al-Munawarrah, the embodiment of the sunnah in it's people, and the breathtaking splendour of the Haram (and the return of Imam Hudhayfi!!) that completely put my mind and heart and a state of peace that I have never felt in my life, I swear. Allah (swt) has blessed this city and it's even knick-named Dar-ul-Abrar, The residence for the good People, and it's narrated that the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa salaam) said, " Innaha haram amaan.", "This is a peaceful sacred city." Not one circumstance in my life changed by being in Madinah, however the barakah (blessings) of the city of our beloved Rasool (salla Allahu alayhi wa salaam) was enough to give me a sense of complete fullfillement, peace, and happiness, feelings I hadnt felt for a looong time, Allahu akbar, by His (swt)'s Mercy on me, I was blessed to step outside of my shallow world, and experience Madinah nights.

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